
RatSec Blog

In today's cybersecurity landscape, detecting and analyzing malware is more critical than ever. Malicious executables often mask their true nature and behavior, which makes identifying and mitigating

Netcat Cheat Sheet

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1. Listening Mode: nc -l -p <port> Start Netcat in listening mode on a specific port. This mode waits for incoming connections. Connect Mode: nc <host> <port> Connect to a specific
SQLMap is a powerful open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in a web application's database. Here we will guide you
A list of 50 tools every hacker should know: Wireshark: Network protocol analyzer. Nmap: Network discovery and security auditing tool. Metasploit: Penetration testing framework. Burp Suite: Web

Nikto - An overview

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Nitko Scanner Nikto is an open-source web server scanner that helps security professionals and administrators identify potential vulnerabilities and security issues in web servers and web