
RatSec Blog


Topics that don't need a category, or don't fit into any other existing category.

Netcat Cheat Sheet

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1. Listening Mode: nc -l -p <port> Start Netcat in listening mode on a specific port. This mode waits for incoming connections. Connect Mode: nc <host> <port> Connect to a specific
Vulnerability Scanning Packet Sniffing Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MitM) DNS Spoofing ARP Spoofing SSL/TLS Hijacking Session Hijacking IP Spoofing MAC Address Spoofing SMTP Relay Exploits Firewall

osi attacks

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Application Layer Functions Attack Vectors User interface & applevel service malware injection Web browsing, email, file transfer Phishing attacks HTTP, SMTP, DNS protocols App-level DDoS attacks

Active Directory Attacks

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Active Directory attacks: Pass-the-Hash (PtH) Attack: Involves stealing hashed credentials from one system and using them to authenticate to another system. Pass-the-Ticket (PtT) Attack: Similar to
In today's digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with the online world. From banking to social media and everything in between, we rely on the internet for countless tasks. However,

SSTI Payloads

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${{<%[%'"}}%. ${{7*7}} ${{3*'3'}} <%= 3 * 3 %> ${6*6} {{dump(app)}} {{app.request.server.all|join(',')}} {{config.items()}} {{ [].class.base.subclasses()
Here are 25 ways to make money with your skills in ethical hacking: Bug Bounty Hunter: Bug bounty hunters find and report vulnerabilities in software and websites for a bounty. This can be a great

Bug Bounty Cheat Sheet

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Information Gathering - Identify target IP addresses and domains. - Perform DNS enumeration. - Identify technologies used by the target (e.g., Wappalyzer). - Identify people related to the target

JWT for Beginners

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JWT for Beginners 1. JWT Overview: JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims between two parties. JWTs are often used for authentication, information exchange, and

Useful websites for hackers

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List of websites that can be useful resources for ethical hackers, bug bounty hunters, and penetration testers. hackxpert labs - Practise labs for ethical hacking. Bugcrowd - Another popular bug